What is Dropbear?
Also a (some believe mythical) beast which lives in the Australian bush.
Watch out for the dropbears mate! They'll fucken eatcha alive!
An Australian arboreal, (tree dwelling) marsupial that is related to a
A common remedy remedy to repel dropbears is to smear
In appearance, they are similar to koala's but have large canine teeth. There are different sub-species, but primary they look like normal koalas. When on ground they are capable of running at 60kmp/h. There are no captive dropbears, as they are too difficult to catch. Beware of the Dropbear.
"Johnny got taken by a dropbear the other day..."
"Oh no! That's so sad! Did they find his body?"
"Nothing but a corpse torn apart. You could barley tell it was him..."