What is Drought?
When a certain drug is in limited supply or unavailable in your city or hood. Price's are much higher.
Damn fool. jus' paid $250 for an ounce! Such a drought at the moment.
(noun) - going a period of time without something you really want (usu. referring to sexual activity). see also
dude, i'm in such a drought i haven't even seen a pair of real titties for 3 months
A period of time with no pussy or girlfriend, basically single and horny as fuck. The drought can drive a person insane. symptons of drought are messing with ugly or fat girls.
Oh man, what happen to jerry
Man, he got the drought, shit is killin him
Thank god, i aint him, im gettin some pussy tonite,
me to
(high five)
A period of time when there is little or no rain.
Arizona is now going through yet another year of drought.
When a man turns you off so bad it makes you have a drought in your pants.
He was so gross, he gave me a drought in my pants!
His cock was so small once i saw it i got a drought!
when he made me pay for my coffee, was an instant drought.