Drummers Syndrome

What is Drummers Syndrome?


The condition of Drummers Syndrome occurs once a person owns a pair of drumsticks and/or a Drum Kit. This condition is only curable by selling the drum associated products and buying an instrument that actually requires a stave, clef and key.

Symptoms of Drummers Syndrome include;

- Poor, Tasteless and unfunny jokes.

- constant twitching, resulting in tapping objects

- bad hearing and repeating the last word/s in sentence or question said to them

- other symptoms bear resemblance to mental illness, autism and other mental ratardations.

Typical Drummers Syndrome situations

Drummer Joke;

Drummer: What's yellow and can't swim?

Human: What?

Drummer: Tractor

Drummers Twitch;

Steve's Twitching like a drummer

Drummer bad hearing;

Human: hey jake, can you get me a drink?

Drummer (aka jake): A drink?

See autism, retard, drummer, instrument, drums


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