What is Dry Drunk?
A dry drunk is a person whose brain was affected by years of alcohol abuse, despite the fact that the person had quit alcohol. Usually is a result of a person who went
A dry drunk usually exibits the following traits,
* Exaggerated self-importance and pomposity
* Grandiose behavior
* A rigid, judgmental outlook
* Impatience
* Childish behavior
* Irresponsible behavior
* Irrational rationalization
* Projection
* Overreaction
Many consider
George W. Bush to be a dry drunk, and point to observations of his speeches and other behaviors as evidence of this condition.
Someone who is no longer drinking but is not happy with life. This person usually still has his/her alcoholic mindset but not the booze.
I stopped going to that AA meeting downtown because it was mostly full of dry drunks.