
What is Dsc?


Distinguished Service Cross

The second highest decoration for a soldier to achieve in the US Military. The highest is the Medal of Honor. However, the DSC is a very high commendation that defines a true soldier.

"I bought a DSC at the gun-show this Saturday! ^.^ "


See Dave


DSC, the abbreviated form of the group known as “Done School Crew,” or quite simply, “Done School.” The group is neither a gang, political group, nor business of any sort. The group is composed of ten young adolescents that strive for their most important values of happiness, friends, and getting fucked up. There is no particular message or mission embodied within DSC; only that these years with limited responsibilities are probably the most important years of any adolescent’s life. The group of young men originally are all from Whitby, Ontario. This small suburban community just east of Toronto has acted as the backdrop to the countless escapades and idiotic antics that this group has embarked upon. Over 80% of the members attended St. Matthews Catholic Elementary School in the North part of Whitby and grew up together forming the foundations of a long and trusted comradery. Certain members parted ways to other schools, as well as other countries for that matter. But it was in the year of 2005 that the group reunited solidifying their return and thus leading the way to the creation of the DSC.

Ever since then the group has been at full force in numerous activities throughout Whitby and the surrounding areas. Whether it was through juvenile usage of fireworks, countless intoxicating nights, or the crashing and rejuvenating of many lame and amazing parties, or the simple times when travelling to the local cheap pizza place to grab a quick slice and pop, the group has stuck together.

DSC has formed many friendships throughout the years and strongly advocates a policy of reinforced inclusion. What the group tries to get across to the public is that they do not stand for the “we-only-hangout-with-each-other” message unlike other groups. DSC members at anytime are not only encouraging of associating with others outside the group, but are proud and privileged to have such companionship among other groups around Whitby such as the .//, which is a group that DSC has had a friendly rivalry with for quite some time now (but can still out-drink them and that’s all that matters).

In the end, DSC represents what should truly be at the heart of every young adolescent’s viewpoint on life. Although half of the members reside outside of Whitbyduring the academic year, DSC still is a united force promoting friendship, having the best time of your life no matter what, turning negative situations into positive ones, accepting of others regardless of anything, respecting authority to a certain extent, going with your gut instinct at all times, improvisation, embracing all elements of life, and above all else- marijuanaand alcohol.

"Yo! I hear DSC outdrank and kicked the shit out of .// last night!"

See dsc


Dick Sucking Championships -- Usually followed by an outrageous dick sucking story.

Cam: Yo Matt you remember when I won the 1942 DSC's by flying off that roller coaster in King's Island and landing on that cook at KFC and suckin' him off, then puttin it all on the chicken legs?

Matt: Yeah you got straight 10's at that DSC, that has only happened 5 times.

See dsc, cock, sucking


In the PlayStation CRPG Saga Frontier, DSC does not mean 'Dream Super Combo' as erroneously reported by BradyGames' guide (and probably numerous others) but actually means Dangerous Suplex Combo. Nonetheless, it is a potentially devastating attack, but costs an exorbitant amount (18, to be specific, or 17 if one has the Mastery crown attained by equipping at least 6 physical techs and no magic) of WP (Waza Points, similar to the MP system found in many RPGs) and cannot itself link, or 'combo', with attacks from your other characters.

It is generally believed that Liza has the easiest time learning DSC, as it requires four Martial Arts skills to be 'equipped'--Sliding, Suplex, GiantSwing, and BabelCrumble. Once a given character has learned and 'equipped' those techs, the individual may use DSC in combat.

I totally pwned Diva with my 5-man DSC squad.

I've been at this for DAYS and Fuse STILL won't learn Sliding! I'll NEVER get DSC! D;<

See playstation, rpg, crpg


Doggy Style Chick - A girl with an ugly face - but a nice butt and boobs. The kind that you want to...doggy style!

"Crikey - look at that chicks face. A definite DSC"

See butter face, butterface, dsc, bag job


verb - die sucking cock (used as an insult to girls)

Blue was like "DSC BITCH!"

See jordan


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