
What is Dubois?


Formal variant of the word, 'doobie'.

JoeCool: "Hell dude, fire up that DuBois every chance ya get."

GB: "Pf-f-t, pf-f-t... 'ere!"

See joint, spliff, bone, weed, fattie


a person that looks like a piranha

"that kid next door is such a dubois"

See weird, ugly, fish, stupid, loser


A female or gay male who is known to be melodramtic or crazy, referencing the charater Blanche DuBois in the Tennessee Williams play "A Street Car Named Desire".

A:"Did you see Vivian flip out at the party last night?"

B:"Yes, she was a total Dubois."

See crazy, dramatic, gay, blanche dubois


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