
What is Duh?


Duh means "No shit sherlock" and/or "Thank you captain obvious"

Him: I'm 18

Me: DUH!

See Matt


means "Of course you idiot"

"Did you know he was gay?"


See Alison


A word people use when the obvious is stated.

"Dude, what is this 'sex'? Is it the act of shooting liquid into one another?"

"*facefaults* DUH!"


A male breeder, the husband of Moo. Short for "Duhddy," like "Dad" is short for "Daddy." So-called because they often have a slack-jawed, retard-like expression as they stand around in public, unable to control their rampaging crotchfruit. This expression also appears when strangers, sometimes but not always childfree, fail to properly worship the Golden Child.

That Duh just stood around and smiled like a moron while his little fucktrophies tried to climb over my fence and tease my dog.

See moomy, moo, fuck trophy, crotchfruit, rugrat


replacement for the sarcastic retort, " No Kidding! "

" Hey, the Sun is bright "

" Duh! "


Obvious, totally obvious.

1 + 1 = 3 , duh.


Originally an insult. It is the sound that a mentally handicapped person makes. In the beginning, the word was complete with a hand gesture of smacking your wrist across your chest. Means "obviously".

"This party is lame!" "No duh!"


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