What is Dumb-jig?
See also
The word jig is a slang term for jiggaboo which comes from a latin root of Nigger. dumb-jig refers to a particularly stupid person (black or white at times, although black is predominate)who never ceases to act like a nig of sorts. dumb-jigs are more rare then regular jigs, in the light that they are stupider, dumber, and less evolved then other
"Bryan Lee, Drew Luckey, Jeremy Fisher, Josh Majed, Zach Hunter, Adam May, and Steve Kugler are all dumb-jigs."
"Nigger Josh decided to be a dumb-jig today"
"How did you miss that? Dumb Jig. (passionate approach)"
"You mean to tell me, he BOUGHT that cal-p spot!? What a dumb jig!