What is Dummie?
A DUmmie is someone from Democratic Underground who is generally very intolerant of other opinions.
The DUmmies say they appreciate diversity but ruthlessly ban anyone with an opinion not strictly in keeping with the DU party line. They claim to be the guardians of free speech but their forums prove otherwise. I think the best descriptor is "hypocrite".
Liberal frequenting the Democratic Underground forum. The abbrevation DUmmie is used to show that a person is from (D)emocratic (U)nderground and is not the brightest kid on the block.
Did you hear that guy who said he loved socialism and communism, hated guns, loved killing unborn babies and hates America? He's a trademark DUmmie.
Leftwing, liberal group from democraticunderground. Vastly nonsupportive of the military, and anti US.
The DUmmies are bashing our troops again!
a slut, a girl who's easy
Me:Don't you know that dummie Morgan?
Boy:The one that sucked Chris dick? Hell yeah I know her, ima get her to suck me off too!
a girl who gives oral sex
that dummie was good last night
1.A word that sounds more like a grade school put down then a actually diss. Created by Far-Right Wingers that lack the skill to create real creative words to dis the Democratic Under Ground.
2. A term that if used outside the Far-Right Wing website Free Republic} will cause you to be laughed at by regular indivisuals.
Freeptard: STFU DUmmie
DU: lol grow up!
Freeptard: ...
DU: lol