
What is Dundalk?


aka "Dunn-dock hun", a rotting cesspool on the Eastern side of Baltimore County, Maryland (known to those in Dundalk as "Merr-land"). Sandwiched between a sewage treatment center aka the shit plant and a disgusting town called Highlandtown, Dundalk houses some of the most vile Maryland residents. Women there often boast between 6-12 teeth, hair that is at least 3 shades and copious amounts of 5$ tattoos. They have 6 kids each, with approximately 2-3 fathers, of which 1 is known. The species known as the Dundalk male frequently wear shorts that end only 2 inches from their white Reebok classics, with an Ecko shirt that they spent their entire paycheck on. Even though they have their hair shaved to a 1 they use a half a bottle of Dep gel and brag about the silver chain they bought at the North Point Flea Market.

Popular Dundalk hang outs are the Zu and Howards Pub, which on any given night, entertain you with some of Dundalks finest getting into brawls over mistaken facial expressions or a Dundalk whore showing up to the bar with her new babydaddy to make 3 or 4 other babydaddies jealous.

Devoid of good dental and linguistics but full of leg-spreading sluts and exciting new STD's, Dundalk is a place you never want to experience.

Hunt Valley guy 1: Dude, why does your shirt smell like shit??

Hunt Valley guy 2: I got off on 695 East accidently and drove through Dundalk.

Hunt Valley guy 1: Dude, burn that shit. Now.


Dundalk bar slut: Oh my gawd, Tommy! Dat guy in da South Pole shirt just sed scuse me and shit and I dint move- FUCK HIM tryin to walk an shit- an he said it 'gen and kepp goin!

Dundalk loser guy: Man fuck dat! Fuck dat asshole, fuckin'wit my bitch an shit walkin and movin thru the Zu like he owns dat shit. I'll kill his ass. He best not step!

Dundalk bar slut: Yea, baby, fuck 'im up. And get me another Miller Lite can when yur dun. Fuck dat.

See shit plant, baby daddy, toothless, welfare


Also known as "Dumbdalk", the school where students do no work, smoke pot all day, and talk down to the schools that they wish they were at. Mixed with black, white, and spanish people, this is not a very rascist school. But the white kids still tend to get beat up. The home school for baby mamas.

<1> My girlfriend is pregnant

<2> Wha??

<1> She goes to dundalk

<2> Oh, that explains alot!


Land of the pleasant living. A place revered by some, and looked down upon by the rest of the world. It’s a place that contains a breed of unique manifestation and cultural diversity. Though stereotypically considered to be full of illiterate, trashy, postcard-prostitutes, drug trafficking children, and irresponsible, shit-poor, citizens, Dundalk is home to some of the finest, well reformed, ambitious and articulate people who walk this earth. It’s a place you can only grow up in and feel at home rather than move in and adapt to just like that. There is your fair share of crack head, corner yelling, Xbox stealing, worthless entities of matter, but the whole world can’t be Canada *why else do we hate them?* The truth is Dundalk has just become the epitome of everyone else’s disdain for their own disorders that they have no motivation or understanding of how to solve. *You can’t feel as bad if you place someone lower than yourself.* There is plenty of rich history and interesting figures and lots of weed. Weed is good. It’s a refuge for those who are more concerned about living how they wish rather than conforming into the image of their community and appearing as some picture perfect society that has holes forming from the inside out. The only holes Dundalk has is the slight blemish of ill-natured, AC/DC shirt wearing, alcoholics with their novelty trucker hats who are more than eager to talk in front of a news camera about how he sometimes enjoys a good 2 or 20 brewskis and walks around his front yard naked as a form of expression. Dundalk is simply a conspiracy to those who are afraid of their own troubles and prefer to use their negative eye to stare into the common city qualms of this glorious town.

Noted people : Kevin Clash of Turners Station, Inventor of Elmo.

Rudy Gay, NBA player.

Calvin Hill, NFL running back and father to NBA player Grant Hill.

Michael S. Kearns of Old Inverness, 1st man to parachute over all 7 continents.

Buckey Lasek, Pro Skateboarder.

E.J. Pipkin, a member of Maryland State Senate.

Perry Hall Guy: "Man I've been tryna get high for like 5 days now, there ain't no bud around here."

Dundalk Guy: "Shit, I have 53 numbers on speedial to get gaunj in any area at any time."

Perry Hall Guy: "Shiiiiit."

Howard County Kid: "Those kids look like they're from Dundalk, lets fuck with them!."

Dundalk kids: "Nigga please, all I gotta do is blow this whistle and Rudy Gay will fly from the sky and smash yo ass."

See amazing, dirty-d, baltimore county, weed, Icelandic


Southeast part of Baltimore County. Not exactly held in high esteem. Known for the poop factory & bad high school.

"I lived in Dundalk my whole life, but my teachers & fam refused to let me attend DHS. I went to a magnet school instead."

Newbie: "Eww what's that smell?"

Resident:"Welcome to Dundalk,hon!


A ghetto trash dump in the southeast side of BalCo, Marylandthat is known for its sewerage treatment plant, people on welfareand wiggers a plenty. A place where you can see wiggers wearing XXXL sized Hanes beaters and white-t's cuz they can't afford better clothes with their welfare checks.

Hooked up Civics with "fart mufflers" reign supreme on the streets.

The girls are known for getting pregnant by the age of 14 and having 2 kids by age 17. Bottom line people, along with Essex it is the arm pit of BalCo.

newbie: hey I'm new here, what is Dundalk?

BalCo resident: oh man stay away from that dump

newbie: why? what's wrong with it?

BalCo resident: when instead of having "welcome to Dundalk" sign, you have a "you are entering Dundalk, a no prosititution zone" sign, you know that place has problems.

newbie: ewww, what a trash dump!

Source: BalCo, BalCo, Murrland

See welfare, balco, white trash, baltimore, maryland, wigger, essex, rosedale, BalCo


Home of the Dundalkians, where the women wear over sized tweety bird shirts and their husbands wear the over sized taz shirt. Fat bitches sport this look the best with their no bra free boob style. nothing beats fat lady nipples poking through tweetys forehead. Has a rather sweet aroma of human fecal matter and dirty bay water. Trash.

non trashy individual 1: dude you just fart?

non trashy individual 2: nah dude we're in dundalk.

non trashy individual 1: Look! Tweety bird has three eyes!!!

non trashy individual 2: nahhhhh thats just her nipples poking through.

See shit, trash, baltimore, poop, nipples


A horrible place; the bog of eternal stench.

thug 1> Dundalk fucking smells. Its like the bog of eternal stench!!

thug 2> Dundalk is not the bog of eternal stench, that would be Essex, and Dundalk is Essex's evil step-cousin, land o' teased hair and stonewashed jeans, teasingly referred to as rancid cesspool of everlasting vomitous!

See dundalk, bog of eternal stench, shitty city, horrible, dump


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