
What is Dunya?


In Islamic terminology, the Arabic word dunya means this world — and its earthly concerns and possessions — as opposed to more spiritual realms, or the hereafter.

"It's just another day in the Dunya." -MF Doom

See world, earth, secular, islam


a darling, a witty, amusing friend

You would cheer up if you had a dunya to talk to

See gabriel


to be intouch with all thing sassy trendy and down right sleek.

You are like soo dunya.

"your satin sheets are so dunya. ding don baby"

See sexy man


d-uhn-ya: a foul smell resembling a concoction of doodie, onions, and tuna, on a hot day.

dude, your breathe smells like dunya

See goddy


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