
What is Dusan?



dusan N- confidence man or grifter who cons the rich

dusaning V- to con or grift a rich person, usually out of information or money

"dont trust him he is a dusan"

"The man was dusaned out of 400$ cash"

See con, grift, play, trick, cheat, swindle, bluff, con artist, con man, hustler, scammer


Dušan is slovak name and can be used like slang on tall,slim,funny and retarded looking man.(Usually between 35-50 years)

-Hey,look at that idiot!

-That´s not an idiot,that´s Dušan

Person 1 - Hi,My name´s Dušan

Person 2 . Yahahahaha (loled in face)

See dušan, idiot, debil, retard, retarded, lol, ownage


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