What is Dustin Pedroia?
2007 Rookie Of The Year in the MLB. Soon to be the best middle infielder of all baseball. Plays for the Boston Redsox. Wheres the number 15 and kicks ass. One of the smallest on the team but has great power at the plate.
Dustin Pedroia makes the Yankess look horrible (they dont need his help for that)
The Red Sox 2nd basemen who hit .317 in 2007 with 8 home runs and 50 RBI. A scrappy player who hustles and gives his all 100 percent of the time. Also very nice to his fans, including the time I was almost run over by him on Lansdowne St after a game last year. He waved and said sorry and his wife smiled and they drove away. Pedro is his nickname.
Did you see what Dustin Pedroia did tonite? He was mouthing off to the ump!