Dusty Baker

What is Dusty Baker?


After getting a slobby knob proceed to dip your hard cock into a bag of cocaine and then ram her in the dook.

I love giving that bitch the "Dusty Baker."

See shinebox


(n.) One who understands Neifi's value to a ballclub, dude.

Quotes from Dusty Baker, dude:

"I don't have no boys. They're all my boys Neifi Perez . It's just like being parents. You try not to have any favorites. A lot of times your favorites are, at that time, who's doing the job."

"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage," Baker said. "Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."

"I was running lineups through my head, dude. I mean, we already got Neifi back and at the time we still had Jose Macias."

See dusty baker, dustbin, dustbag, neifi, cubs, cubbies, baseball, manager, dude


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