
What is Dweeb?


A dorky or nerdy person.

That dude with the pocket protector is such a dweeb.

See x


This is actually an acronym for the phrase "dick with eyebrows," you dummmies. You are calling someone a walking penis.

You are all dweebs because you did not know the origins of the word you thought you were defining.

See urbtards.


An awkward, ineffectual person; specifically connotes physical inadequacy

Hey gang, let's go beat on the dweeb


By looking between all of these definitions, we realise that the word 'dweeb' translates more or less to 'loser'

'You are such a dweeb'

See loser, dweeb, lame, fail, fool


a despised person, a socially inept person

Shut the hell up you dweeb.

See doofus, dork, dweebo, looser, mutant


someone who always calls other people dweebs and gets their friends to join in just to cover up the fact that they themselves, are idiots.

Holly: "You're such a dweeb!"

Holly's friends: "Yeah, dweeb!"

this person(Holly) is an idiot.

See dweb, bweed, bweeb, dweed


1.A person who acts rather "obscure" or has odd tendencies.

2.People who sit on statue benches and act complete fools.

1:Elyssa: man look at Anna, shes acting like a total dweeb.

Anna:Well I would rather be a dweeb than someone whose boring.

2:Innocent bystander: Wow, they really are dweebs.

See dweeb, man, statue, odd


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