
What is Dxm?


Dextromorphan Hydrobromide (DXM HBr). A small dose supreses the part of the brain that causes you to cough while increasingly larger doses cause you to TRIP THE FUCK OUT. Becomes a full blown hallucinogin after about 900mg.

DON'T TRIP ON DXM BY USING CORICIDIN COUGH AND COLD! C.C.C. has an extra active ingrediant which can kill you. Use Robitussin products or if you are in Canada get Contac CoughCaps because they contain nothing but 30mg of DXM.

"Duuude! I'm not even in my body anymore!"

-DXM Tripper


a type of cough supressant that gets you FUCKED UP and trippin balls at high doses.

good effects (what people take it for):



-altered time perception

-blurred vision

-"cartoonish" tint to vision

-static-like tint to vision

-visual and auditory hallucinations at high doses

-delirium (thinking that a tree is talking to you, etc.)

-intense euphoria (happiness)

-strong feeling of connection with others (compared to the effects of ecstasy)


bad effects (what people hate about taking it):

-possible nausea and vomiting (depends on if you have a weak stomach or if you are nervous)

-possible paranoia (depends on mood and surroundings)

-decreased sex drive (not only does the thought of sex never cross your mind, but even if it does you'll find it extremely hard gettin a boner or gettin in the mood)

-pupil dilation (dead giveaway if you're on it, i reccomend staying away from parents or other people who can't know that you're tripping, or at least never looking them in the eyes)

-"bug eyes" (makes it look like you're scared or surprised all the time, which can also be a giveaway that you're on something)

-increased heart rate (dangerous if you have heart or blood pressure problems)

-zombie-like walking (makes it look like you're hypnotized, which can also give away that you're on something)

overall a great drug to take for a legal high, can be found in medicines such as coricidin cough and cold, robitussin cough syrup, and almost any other over-the-counter cough medicine. can also be purchased in pure powder form from your local drug dealer. the main drawback to this drug is that someone can tell you're on something just by looking at you when you take it, so it's definitely not easy to hide unless you are really experienced with it. if you're a beginner i recommend tripping in a safe environment where your parents or anyone like that won't see you, such as a friend's house or a party. also, be careful when taking it in form of ccc (coricidin cough and cold), as it contains an extra ingredient that is a deadly poison in high doses (this shit got me put in the hospital, so i know what i'm talking about). also there is an overdose limit, so don't overdo it. make sure you read up on the effects of the drug thoroughly before taking it from a reputable source, such as erowid. happy trippin...

i drank 4 ounces of dxm-containing cough syrup and now i'm fucked the hell up.

See dxm, cough, ccc, coricidin, b-low


The coolest legal high ever invented

Dude im tripping so hard right now...


A powerful disassociate psychogenic, usually gathered from cough syrup. It is a synthetic opiate replacing heroin and opium in old-time syrups. At a low dosage (30-60mg), it suppresses the cough center of your brain.

At higher dosages (500mg-2000mg, depending on weight), it is a powerful full-blown psychogenic that can cause major OBE, time distortions, hallucinations, and a general disassociation from reality (hence it's a disassociate).

People who don't like it usually a) can't handle the intense experience or b) tried drinking cough syrup too much. It can be legally ordered as a pure powder from many net sources, and rather cheaply (cheaper than syrup).

It's usually measured in "plateaus", with one being the lowest (500 or so mg) and four being the highest (1.5G+), with each stage getting closer to full-blown hallucinogenic disassociation.

If you haven't done at least 500mg (around 1 1/2 of Robo MS), then you really haven't tried it.

I dexxed heavy last night and had a Philip K Dick experience out on the front porch...but it wasn't the same front porch as ours. It was...somewhere else.


The drug dextromorphan hydrobromide, found in over-the-counter medications for cough and cold. most popular brand: robitussin maximum strength.


(dextromethorphan was mis-spelled in the first definition)

See rudine


Dextromethorphan, a beautiful drug found in common cough syrups, see dextroverse dot org.

I Love DXM.


A cheap legal high, which is why it's the taster's choice among college heads. Can be used in conjunction w/ cannibis or other choice substances. Not recommended to be used w/ alcohol though. Heads w/ high blood pressure should be weary of brands of cough medicine that have pseudoephedrine in them. Stick with Robo Max Strenth Cough.

A 4 oz. bottle of Robotussin contains 354 mg of DXM, a good dose for a first-time tripper.


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