What is E?


Short form for ecstasy. Ecstasy refers to MDMA, however most modern day ecstasy is just MDA or MDEA. MDMA is a party drug used by some who attend raves, clubs, concerts, spiritual sessions, etc. MDMA is not very physically addicting, however it depletes seritonin at a rapid rate which causes the high. This causes the user to feel depressed for a period of time after taking the drug. Heavy abuse of the drug has been proven to cause permanent brain damage (not government endorsed). Brain damage may be avoided by moderation and the use of seritonin building supplments such as 5HTP. MDMA was found to have very positive psychological qualities during medical testing but the fact it could be abused is what caused it to be banned.

Jimjim was arrested for having E when the pigs raided.

See fu


the letter that comes after D

a, b, c, d, e <--------- there!


A slang term for the drug MDMA, also known as ecstasy, x, Emos, e-mazing, or the love drug. E comes in pills, gell caps, or liquid form. Pure MDMA is extremely hard to come by, and most E is part MDMA, part speed/coke/meth/heroine. The effects are different depending on what kind of E it is (what is in it other than MDMA). I'd say this is my drug of choice, just because the trip is awesome. It can be very obvious that you're tripping on it, though, as your pupils pretty much swallow your eyes, you usually talk a lot and very fast, and people usually grind their teeth or do other repetitive actions with, most often, their jaws and fingers. A loss of appetite is also experienced. E is pressed into different amounts in pill form: single-stacked, double-stacks, and triple-stacks. If you don't want to become a burnout E-tard, I'd recommend spacing out your E trips; Popping E too often can result in loss of memory, lack of intelligence, and eventually your brain will be fried. E can be taken orally (popping/dropping E), or the pill-form can be ground up and inhaled through the nose (bucking/snorting). When popped, E takes anywhere from a half hour to 2 hours to kick in, give or take. Bucking E kicks the trip in faster, but the effects also wear off faster. The average E trip lasts around 4 to sometimes up to 8 hours. The crash is horrible, though: depression, stupidity, slowness, exhaustion, sometimes dizziness and sickness. I'd say the coming down is well worth the trip, however.

Beth and I bucked E last night, and we were trippin' almost right away. The high only lasted like 3 and a half hours though...but then we popped 2 more caps each, so it's all good!


(Usuall italicized)

The limit of the expression (1+1/n)^n as n becomes infinitely large, and the base of natural logarithms. An irrational number, approximately equal to 2.71828182846. e is also known as Euler's number, for Leonhard Euler.


a number that, when raised to the x power, is the derivative and antiderivative of itself.

d(e^x)/dx = e^x, sucka.

?(e^x)dx = e^x + C. Holla at calculus, biotch.

e can be represented by the infinite series 1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!.....

e is the base for natural logarithms.

the e root of e has a higher value than any number in the form of "n root of n." (approximately 1.44467)

e to the square root of negative pi (an imaginary number) amazingly equals -1, a real number.

To the 9th decimal place is 2.718281828.

e is a cool number. It's almost as cool as a hoobajoob.


n. A drug (Ecstasy or MDMA) widely used by individuals who attend raves. It's effects give the user a rush of emotional happiness. E releases a chemical called serotonin into the brain which cause most people to open their thoughts and feelings without hesitation. Ecstasy is the choice of drug in the Asian scene and makes girls horny as fuck. However, a male under the influence of ecstasy may become temporarily impotent.

I can't pop a boner when I'm on E so I popped a tylenol instead.

See jchc


ecstasy, best thing out there.. AMAZING HIGH euh. but fries your brain if you take it too often

i took e over a 2 month period, 1-3 pills per week, and now 2 months after i still feel the side effects... loss of short term memory, unable to solve simple problems and other weird brain related problems.

dont take taht damned substance too much.. screws u up!

normal person: hi how u doing

guy who took e: euuuuuh whatt was that?

See brain, fried, ecstasy, e, high, memory, side effects, substance


1,1,1,Trichloroethane, a chemical solvent once found in many aerosols, and it once was found in Scotch Guard..."E(h)" comes from the "eah" sound in the word "Trichloroethane" (Trichloro***e**thane)...E(h) was a fan favorite among Pacifc Northwest gas huffers in the early nineties...

Huffing this E(h) shit puts me in a goddamn Dreamworld

See 1, huffing, gas huffing


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