What is Earfetish?
1) Pretentious Newgrounds user with an almost deity like aura about him. From what one can gather, he enjoys having sex with animals and dead babies. Not to say this is a bad thing, it's epic, actually.
Me and my peers have deducted that he should infact be a moderator, due to a high degree of awesomeness and brilliance. One often wonders why he isn't. I suspect it has to do with suck-upery, and Earfetish's lack of.
Also has homosexual and/or bi-sexual feel about him. Almost, otherwordly.
2) A sexual preference to ears. Most likely invloving cum and African American males.
NG member : Why does Earfetish rock so ?
Earfetish : Because I'm great
Probably the most famou
Earfetish likes to
Oh my god my ear is leaking with white stuff!