
What is Eased?


Eased (v):

1. Verb form of the word easy or ez

2. A salutation used in victory after you just totally owned someone. It's roots stem from the mmorpg Subspace/Continuum.

Dead turret: "OMG! WTF!!1 YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT! I can't believe you just handed my ass to me with that double mine rep! Get some skill!...No you know what?! Fuck this game!" :( *logs out*

taint: "so eased"

See eased, ez, subspace, continuum, own, owned, pwn


Verb: To easily complete a task. Usually used when one beats an opponent at a competetive task.

"oh man, I eased Dave at table hockey last night"

See John Doe


Eased is the new owned.

Duder1: oh snap jack just got owned

Duder2: Good sir, I think you meant to say, "Oh snap, Jack just go eased."

Duder1: ugay

See not, owned, own, pwn, 0wn


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