
What is Easty?


easty is a nickname for a person that lives on the east coast and last name relates to east

david Eastman from New york, Jack Eastaland from Sydney....ect

Easty (name)

See easty, eastman, east, easter bunny


Acting ghetto with an east coast vibe.

"Babs" from, the artist formerly know as Puff Daddy (...Puffy...P

Diddy...Sean Puffy Combs...)original Making of the Band.


adj. extremely hood in personality and mannerisms, like a person from the eastern half of South Los Angeles, hence "easty"

Them n*ggas are EASTY! Still wearin' corduroy house shoes and pom-pom socks!

See south central, eastside, hood, thug, gangster, gangsta, ghetto


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