Eat Babies

What is Eat Babies?


something done when one is bored and doesn't really feel like cooking or any of that shit.

man, got so fried i ate babies.

See defect


or to eat one's babies, vb.

To do well, to triumph over someone

to humiliate someone

How'd the debate go?

Oh, man! I ate their babies! They looked so sad.


To swallow when going down on a guy

Barbra said she's never gonna eat babies again after I called her a cannibal last time.

See semen, oral, swallow, cum, blowjob, Jew Lightning


A multipurpose retort meaning "shut the hell up" or "suck on that".

Made more effective by adding "Bitch".

"Haha your face is too big for your head."

"Eat babies bitch!"

See bitch, baby, take that, piss off, get bent


Smoking marijuana. Used to make parents and teachers think youre a cannibal rather than a stoner.

hey my parents are out of town wanna eat babies at my house?

See weed, marijuana, pot, reefer, wacky tabacky


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