
What is Eaw?


Something disgusting, or just a general answer to something anyone says. if nobody answers 'EAW!'

Just a general answer to anything really.

Can be said in shock to somebodys question or statment.


Bryony - :O Don't you Eaw me!

Kerry - EAW! I can't believe you just said that!

Bryony - Eaw! That is so heavy..

See eaw, heavy, disgusting, bourbon, kerry, bryony, hey, pmsl, lol


A short for the "Star Wars: Empire at War", which is actually the best RTS I have ever played

1)A: k, lets kick some asses in eaw now

B: lol, kk

2)A: some1 host a game please

B: space or land?

A: space sucks, make a land one

B: kk

5 minutes later...

B: why wouldnt you join the game dude?

A: because you fuckin on foc, not on eaw

See foc, star wars, galactic empire, rebels


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