
What is Ebola?


actually, the second guy was wrong. Ebola is a completely different virus from Marburg, and the first Marburg outbreak was at a plant that used chimpanzee parts to test vaccines, not a nazi test lab. Basically since chimp DNA is so similar vaccines work the same way which is why they use chimp parts. The Nazis really had nothing at all to do with Ebola. The first ever outbreak of Ebola was in 1976, many years after the Nazis fell out of power. Not that it didn't suck for the Africans or anything. Symptoms in the later phases include detachment of the intestinal lining from its place, hemmorhaging from any or all orifices, liquidation of some internal organs (not from stomach acid by the way) and the mind often slows down to stopping. There are some other rather nasty symptoms but those are the ones that come to mind.

"Hey, look, that guy just shat out his intestines in a huge gush of blood."

"Hmm. After thorough evaluation I have concluded that he has Ebola."


A disease in which the Zaire strain could totally own the entire fucking world. 90% casualty rate. it liquifies your collagen, so you skin basically will fall apart or become bruised very easily. It replicates and acts so quickly that you are dead within three weeks of contraction. You spew virus particles, and your blood runs black with the infection.

OMFG i just got ebola!

Wtf Mate!


A level 4 pathogen, the Ebola virus is pound for pound the deadliest disease known to man. Ebola has a mortality rate of over 80%. There have been 4 outbreaks of Ebola and all of them have occured in Africa.

The ebola virus ate away all of his organs and caused internal and external bleeding.

See §


ebola is a filovirus that causes almost certain death in primates. there are currently 4 knowen strains of this virus.

Ebola Sudan-this strand causes a 7 out of 10 fatality rate in humans. the two out breaks of this disease where in sudan in 1976 and 1979

Ebola Zaire-the most deadly of the strains, cause a 9 out of 10 mortality rate in humans. the outbrakes of this strain were in 1972, 1976, 1977, 1994, 1995, 1996, and 1996

Ebola Ivory Coast- i dont know any thing about this strain

Ebola Reston-deady to primates except humans, for some reason unknown to us this strain causes no symptoms in a human. however it is so similar to ebola zaire that they are almost indestinguishable.

ebola is a new and deadly filovirus.

See hamalnamal


A very deadly disease which the original host is unknown. Ebola was first recognized in 1976. There are four known subtypes of the Ebola virus, Ebola-Zaire which kills 90% of people, Ebola-Sudan which kills 50% of people, Ebola-Ivory Coast, and Ebola Restin which is not fatal in humans. Ebola causes people to spew blood and other fluids out of every orifice of their body, and is transmitted by these fluids.

You have Ebola, have fun spewing out your innards


A sketch on In Living Color used this word to replace bomb, because

1. Bomb was being overused by white people.

2. Ebola, like bomb, is analogous to mass destruction.

.....It's the ebola!


Another word for cool,smooth,nice,dope,etc.

Man dat shit was ebola

See cool, nice, smooth, dope, good


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