What is E-crush?
E-Crush is when someone has a crush on someone they met through the internet. Ofcourse they've had no contact with this person outside the internet. E-crushes are superficial and should NOT be taken seriously. Most people take a short time to get over e-crushes as they usually mean nothing
"Stop having an e-crush! Get someone who's 100% not a fake person!!"
a crush on someboby you met in the net, you have never met this person in real life
I hav an E-crush on Jono78, i met him on habbo
E-Crush, or ecrush, is a "hookup" site for people between the ages of 13 and 20-something. People create profiles, send notes to other prospects, and try to find people. The real thing of note behind E-Crush, however, is E-Crush Chat, a chatroom for members of the site. You'd expect people who can sign up for a website to have at least a fraction of a brain, but the retards who make up most of the chat apparently have no such thing. The majority of them are
Go get a real human. Don't use E-Crush, except maybe for the chat.