What is Ed Elric?
Edward Elric is the protagonist in the
Ed Elric is so bish, he's got legions of rabid
fangirls .
Fangirl1: ONGZZ!!111 EDWARDDD!!
Fangirl2: HE'S SOOOOO HAWT!!!1 -squeal-
Fangirl3: JUST LOOK AT HIS BRAID!!!shiftone!!! -swoon-
Fangirl4: Ih8 WINRY SHE'S SUCH AN ED-STEALER!1! -moan-
Main character from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. He's kinda girly, and in one ending song he does a girly hair flip.
Ed is more girly than
Kurama is. At least Kurama doesn't do hair flips.