Eddie Kingston

What is Eddie Kingston?


The King of Diamonds, the Last of a Dying Breed.

One of the most badass wrestlers on the indy scene today. He's a member of BLKOUT (said Blackout), a native of Yonkersand has a storied personal history. His wrestling style is largely strike oriented, and can deliver a promo unlike anyone else in the wrestling industry. He's an inspiration to many for his never quit attitude and ability to overcome obstacles placed before him. If you don't know about him and the BLKOUT, and you're a wrestling fan, do yourself a favor and check them out

"To those ring of honor fans, who wanna act like women....I'll fuckin' rape you like one." -Eddie Kingston

"Oh God, I hope he breathes fire!" - The KoD on "Dragon Dragon"

BLKOUT - Fuck whatcha heard!

See ruckus, joker, sabian, talent, deathmatch


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