
What is Edelhauser?


An edelhauser is a extremely hottt teacher that is usually shorter in size and has sexy blond hair. she will do usually do anything with her students as long as they satasify her well enough. she loves the younger cock and will do anything to get her mouth, pussy, or hands on it. she usually likes it short and fat but occaslly will have a extremly long fat juicey cock in order to satsify her sexual needs. she loves her students and will go as far a getting t-baged by them in order for them to pass the class. she is not bi-sexual and will not do anything with the girl students in her class.

mannnn coup-dog did you see that fine ass edelhauser in the hall way last period. i hope i have her!!!!!!!!1

See tilf, milf, t-bag, hottie, mommas boy


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