What is Edgemont?
Not a TV series, but instead a place where wealthy kids get wasted, waste money, and have stoggies. This population is mainly jewish.
You are such a edgemont not giving me any of that coke.
Edgemont is the boring town ON EARTH.
edgemont is the place where joy is shown on everyone's face. smiles and education rule the school, our friends and teachers are really cool. stand up and shout it out loud, shout how edgemont makes you feel proud!
hey! let's go check out that edgemont over there... it looks really happy!
i live in edgemont and its such a jappy, pot head, wtf school and omg i hate all of those popular girls who are (all) bitchs, thin as bones, the "we're so much better than u" girls........to my school me and my bffs are the alternative group eventthough only one of my bffs are really alternative...(watever)....and its such a small town that every1 nows ur business.....(BE AFRAID, very afrid).
edgemont is not just a show it reality and its harder than its sounds........and most of our skool are pott heads who hate themselves