
What is Editor?


A person who helps maintain this site by weeding out bad definitions. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. These brave men and women donate many hours of their time to better the Urban Dictionary with getting anything in return other than the satisfaction received from helping.

Thanks to the editors, this site will be a better place.

See hello


(specifically Urban Dictionary editor:)


If only you're willing to put in volunteer time judging individually whether or not thousands of definition submittals conform to the specific criteria clearly delineated to QCthis site.

<Click the EDIT tab to view the simple common sense parameters.>

SOMEONE TOLD ME: "Quit whining you dullard. If you're so qualified in writing your definition, then why not volunteeras a UDEDITOR and help weed outthe crap 'definitions'."

(As an EDITOR, I obviously help to vote myself in. Ya smell what I'm cookin'?)

See good citizen, volunteer, vote yourself in


The dudes on slangdefine that decide what should be published on the site

damn dude, those editors are sexy!!!


1. A person who edits, make changes to or proposes changes and helps maintain some sort of content.

2. The type of person who is going to publish this definition. *ahem!*

Editors are hilarious people when they ramble on about the day's politics.

See editors, urban dictionary, politics, publisher


The people who wrote most of the good definitions for the word editor. They weed out the idiotic defintions, and o.k. the good. They are my heroes.

ME. I AM AN EDITOR. You knew that was coming

Idiotic UD patron: "Julie

A smart, funny girl who everyone is jealous of because I am her boyfriend."

Me: "Not my fault you didn't read the rules dude.


See awesome, nice, sweet, ns, nes


A hardworking person who filter the garbage out of this site. He/she maintains the integrity of UD.

Editor: "What?? how does sushi mean to rape someone??"

*rejects definition*

See editor, sushi, rape, ass, urban


A person who decides what gets published and rejected on Urban Dictionary.

As an editor, you will see many definitions like these:

1. Emma

Emma is a 16 year old sexy girl who gets all the guys and the other girls are jealous of her for being so cool.

Emma is awesome.

2. Kristee

A retarded girl who fucks guys to make herself feel wanted

Kristee, you big slut!

3. Joanna Smith

She is a girl who broke my heart and left me for another guy. Well, if Joanna's parents are reading this than just to let you know, Joanna smokes weed, masturbates, drinks, and takes drugs daily.

Joanna Smith can go f*ck herself.

See urban, dictionary, editor, publish, reject


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