
What is Edwardsville?


Suburban town of 25,000 in the Metro Eastknown for its fairly high level of affluence. Home to a branch of Southern Illinois University and the county seat of Madison County, the town has gained a reputation for being stuck up and showy, when in reality, all the other towns around it in Madison county are fucking shit holes and people wish they could afford to live in Edwardsville. Not the most exciting place, but definitely better than most.

Edwardsville always has good high school sports teams.

In Edwardsville, we're better than you..and we know it!


Town of around 15,000 outside of St Louis, MO on the Illinois side. Most likely one of the biggest fucking holes in the world. Most of anyone that lives here either wants out or has an enormous ego used to make themselves feel like the coolest people in the universe. Most residents love Keystone Beer and listen to faggot Emo music and cry to Linkin' Park. The high school brags that it is one of the best in the country when in reality it is a fucking sty with the staff having reputations as perverts and having relationships with the students. The nickname for the town is Eville which is synonymous for "Evil". Overall, the town tries to act as something its not, using fake bullshit to cover up its fuckups and the fuckups that live in it.

"Edwardsville IL?! Fuck man, that place is full of rich stuckup twat waffles!"

industrial album Acumen Nation - Transmissions From Eville is suppositly an album about a town known for its two-faced culture. Coincidence?


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