
What is Eevee?


Eevee is no longer a unique Pokemon since researchers discovered it can evolve into Espeon or Umbreon. It's a fox Pokemon. It's good against none and is bad against rock and fighting types. It's best to train eevee then decied whether to evolve it into Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, or Umbreon.

This Pokemon can evolve into Vaporeon with a water stone, Jolteon with a thunder stone, Flareon with a fire stone, Espeon at day with frendship, and Umbreon at night with frendship.


Cute little Normal type Pokemonthat looks like a puppy. Eevee can evolve into the following five Pokemon by using the methods below:

1: Vaporeon-water stone

2: Jolteon- thunder stone

3: Flareon- fire stone

4: Espeon- get it to evolve from happiness during the day

5: Umbreon- get it to evolve from happiness during the night

Eevees are so cute!


a pokemon that can evolve into 7 things






and new ones



Eevee is so cute! which of the seven ways do you want to evolve it?

See eevee, pokemon, dog, fox, fluffy


eevee is taken from the two sounds of the first initials from the names ''emma'' and ''victoria''.

it is a nick name used for emma kinns and is copywrited.

hey eevee what are you doing!


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