
What is Effeminate?


Having characteristics never associated with manliness or men. Not necessarily feminine or womanly. (How many women do you know who lisp, flutter their wrists, make prissy lips, and prance?

You wonder why you can't get a job as a policeman? Stop being effeminate and maybe they'll hire you.


Acting unmanly. Used of a man who does not act manly. It does not at all mean that he is acting womanly. This word unfairly characterizes women as people who act like poofters.

Abby, look at that man! He's so effeminate!

He's not acting like a woman, Louise. He's acting like a flaming faggot!


1. Having qualities or characteristics more often associated with women than men.

2. Characterized by weakness and excessive refinement.

Ronnie is an effeminate bastard.

See Synonyms at female.

See Your mom


An adjective that can use used alongside any Final Fantasy protagonist.

"Goddamn that Vaan guy looks effeminate"

See genderbender, bishonen, androgynous, castration, angst


Akin to when a woman emasculates her boyfriend/partner/husband and sends his penis into hiding.

Mr. and Mrs.Mr. were having an argument last night when Mr. said to Mrs.Mr. well you should do the dishes since you prepared dinner. Needless to say, Mrs.Mr. felt slightly effeminated and was not available for their evening interlude.

See emasculate, bitch, feminate, spay, neuter


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