
What is Effing?


See also: effin, effin', f'ng, f'n, F-ing

Derivative of the word ‘fucking’, 'effing' means litterally ‘F-ing’. You may see it used on a message boardwhere derogatory words (such as the f-word) are not allowed, to take the place the un-allowed.(Note that on sites such as GameFAQs, this is known as censor bypassing, and you most likely will get modded for it, whether be by a noblemanor some n00bmerely&purely because she can.) It is, however, its own, unique word, seperate from ‘fucking’ or ‘f'ing’ or ‘F-ing’ in its entireity.

The reason that "I'm late for class"'s definition of this word has received such low ratings is for the fact that she acted as a ‘language elitist’ and instantly put the word down, when in actuality she did not know the etymological origin of the word and whehowunder what contexts.. it is generally used.


"Geez, get off my effin' case!!"


A variant of "fucking" used on Canadian television, primarily "Royal Canadian Air Farce". Pre-teens have been known to use in when quoting and the term "fucking" comes up in the quotation.

"That's effin' ridiculous!"

See Bowman


Used in place of the f-bomb. Also "Effed" and "Eff"

"You Effing dolt!" or "Thats so effed up" or "Eff that!"

See effing, effed, eff, f-bomb, woah, Loki


A Jordanism. Polite way of saying fucking in the workplace.

He is so effing stupid


it is a nicer way to say f*cking

martin : hey stee, you hair is ginger you effing glamyohorio.

stee: sozboz beef

See blah, crap, stupid


The common replacement for the "F" word to get a point across.

Its so EFFING hot today!

See effin', f'in, efin, efing


the new cuss word that begins with an e.

also short for the f word.

"what the eff!"

"how the effing hell did this happen."

See effing, eff, fing, effed


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