
What is Ego?


The part of you that defines itself as a personality, separates itself from the outside world, and considers itself (read: you) a separate entity from the rest of nature and the cosmos. Perhaps necessary for survival in some evolutionary bygone, in modern times it leads only to (albeit often disguised) misanthropic beliefs and delusion.

In short, "I."

Ego is responsible for hate, fear, and delusion.


Relating to thinking about yourself or centering everything around yourself.

Johnny Bravo has a big ego.

See nerd


The main reason that I am better than you.

My ego is bigger, bitch.

See showoff, jerk, ego search, ego trip, egotistical


For materialist world, the ego could provide the evolutive energy but also the destructive energy depends on how you deal with it. For spiritual world, there is no need for ego, there we are only one entity.

Some examples:

possitive ego gives you ambitious to be the best in your field

the negative ego make you to think only to yourself.

See teo


the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.

I have a really big ego.

See ego, eggo


after the ID is formed in the psyche the Ego comes afterwards. it turns the primary process thinking into secondary process thinking so we use aceptable behavior to get what we want. the ego although responsible for are conscious descions is mainly in the preconconscious where it meshes and overlaps with the ID. the reason it is mainly in the preconscious is so that defense mechnism can block off unexceptable thoughts that are hurtfull or events that happen in the outside world that are huretfull to the human psyche when this happens the egos defense mechnism become active and thrust those harfull things into the abys of the unconscious.although defense mechnism deal with problems in the outside world they are not conscious to us.

the ego is what makes us human thus abortian is the killing of something unhuman and evil since it is nothing more then a ID the unborn has no conscious neither do babys just born


A song by Beyonce, where she cleverly talks about a certain someones dick size. She repeatedly mentions how his "Ego" is: too tough, too strong, too big, too wide, and how it won't fit. I think Jay-Z is taking viagra. And in the remix, Kanye West throws in how his "hahaha ego" is so big, and he wants her to "stroke my big hahaha ego". Nice. But I do love the song. =D

1). "Oh baby, I love your big ego!"

2). Beyonce: "You have suuch a big ego, I dont think it will fit. It's too strong, too wide, too big, it just WON'T FIT!!!"

Person that isnt easily tricked: "Hmm..I wonder what THATS supposed to mean"

See big, strong, tough, viagra, beyonce, kanye west, nasty, stupid, freaky, awesome, sex, making love


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