What is E-gret?
The regret felt after you realize that you should not have provided your email address to someone who then sends various annoying and otherwise intrusive emails.
Nancy continues to send me those annoying chain emails and keeps wanting to get together with me. I e-gret the day I gave her my email address.
e-gret (noun, verb): The feeling of sorrow, shame, remorse, or fear one experiences after sending an ill-advised electronic message (e-mail, IM, text message) that cannot be recalled.
I completely misread our flirty IM exchange, and now I'm filled with e-gret that I pinged her saying, "So, when are we gonna have sex?"
to regret something you've done online or with a computer.
not to be confused with egret, a type of bird.
She had momentary e-grets after breaking up with her
virtual boyfriend via an online forum, but forgot about him completely after meeting someoneRL . Who she originally met onMySpace before meetingf2f .
He e-gretted killing his friend on
WoW , but realized that sacrifices have to be made sometimes. Besides, he didn't have to worry about the real life repercussions, as he never leaves his basement anyway.
wanking to pixelated internet sluts, he noticed that his computer was acting funny. Upon closer inspection, he found he had contracted a virus, the STDs of the computer world, and had instant e-grets. Who would ever want to share files with him now? If only he'd have thought to use virus protection.
As she got older and noticed her life slipping away, she realized how much of her life was wasted online, and had a ton of e-gret.
A message of regret sent by electronic mail. (defined by E Delk)
Betty remembered to send an egret to Sam's secretary concerning the March 15 committee meeting.
a regret you have about something that happened over the internet
You'll be just another e-gret