What is Ehole?
Short for 'email black hole', but obviously a play on 'a**hole'; a person who never replies to email of any kind.
Note that people can be selective eholes -- not replying, say, to urban legends that are passed around.
Someone can also be rendered into an ehole by a busy schedule -- see the second example below.
I sent John the information, but he's an ehole -- I never heard back from him.
(perhaps from John): Sorry I was such an ehole last week -- I was just swamped at work.
n. The virtual portal from which annoying, demanding, or incessant emails emerge, similar to "pie hole" or "cake hole" but is electronnic in nature.
"Shut your freaking ehole, beotch!"
A Twenty something Dot Com type that believes that he is actually intelligent enough to keep his floundering Internet Business alive while doing mounds of cocaine.
That dude that opened consumptionjunction is really impressed with himself, but he's just a fucking ehole.