
What is Electrikk?


Kids who want to fit in who think Dinosaurs and Robots are awesome, when they're really not. because if dinosaurs were still around you wouldnt like them that much cause they'd probably kill you or something. Kids who feel ambulances and car crashes are awesome when thats probably what like killed thier grandmas so thats not cool.

people who think saying "kthnx" and "&&" is cool when theyre not really words and noone says andand. Kids who are obsessed with gun noises and killing people. and for the record, the greatest lovers were not murderers first.


See kaitlyn


A new trend, namely on xanga. Offshoots from the EMO trend. It varies: many people strongly dislike "electrikks" because of their annoying and odd habits. It is this writer's opinion that using ";;" or "&&" ONCE IN A WHILE is fun to spice up your writing..You know, make it look more pressentable or unique...HOWEVER...Connecting every single fucking sentence and using "kthx" and "BANG-BANG" repeatedly and things like that gets annoying. Electrikk is ok, as long as its not all out, over done to the max.

Electrikks like....

Polka Dots

Really bright neon layouts

guns, namely the word BANG

"kthx" and other such shorthand slang

connecting sentences with no spaces or with just periods.

Using double "&" and ";".

After every sentence there always seems to be a "<3" or a "</3".



Emo music

Romantic or poetic sounding things.

instead of saying stuff/stuff, they say stuff // stuff

Calling emo ppl and such things like that "SCENE"

Finally, they also use "such-and-such = sex". NO. Conor Oberst does not = sex, MCR does not = sex. PENIS IN VAGINA = SEX OK!? Thank you.


car crashes <|3

gun noises x3


neon.. polkadots<333333

thats so scene.

the blood brothers=sexxxxx.

omgahwtf im electrikk__x3


omg. i. love. car. crashes. omg. i. love. guns. omg. polkadots.

get over yourself. you are not sex. robots are not cool. and guns aren't either.

magnetikkis the new lame.

omg. i. love. conor. oberst. he. is. the. sex.

See Linda


Really annoying and gay trend, a cousin of emo, fashioncore, and hardcore, mostly on myspace "&&" xanga. Basically fashioncore, but "electrikks" guys and gals have an obsession with dinosaurs, even tho thats really gay because dinosaurs dont exist. Ambulances, car crashes, and guns are also part of their obsession. These "electrikk" people are usually chubby, just the way it is. They listen to bands such as my chemical romance, the used, because it is the "cool" thing to do. By the way, your not electrikk, (thats not even the way you spell it, its electric), your vibrator is.

dinosaurs && (who says and and?) ambulances=THE SEX!&& GUNS GO BANG BANG! Polka dots && neon colors=THE SEX! Checkers && hearts! I listen to MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE! Conor Oberst=THE SEX!<3<3<333333


Some lame trend that is ruining any type of scene. You're not hardcore if that's what you're trying to be. The hardcore scene is no fashion, using the "<3" symbol is not cool, and The Used's lyrics are not a hardcore listener's diary. You are ruining Xanga with your 'kill me I'm gaylectrikk' blogrings. You're a bunch of ignorant, illiterate morons who need to go die, or corrupt some other scene.

"Yeah, those kids are really gay. I hear they're 'electrikk'. Do you dare me to go switch their MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE CD with this Black Dahlia Murder disc?"


Electrikk is the coolest thing ever;;; Dinosaurs, Robots, and hearts are all the rage in this new "steryotype". To be electrikk you basiclly have to...

1.) Love robots.

2.) Love dinosaurs.

3.) Connnectsentences withoutspaces.

4.) Use ";;;"

5.) Use "&&"

All in all it's a fun, flexible, and refreshingly unique trend that no one has ever heard of.

I loverobots && dinoSAURs;;;

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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