
What is E-lesbian?


A girl who acts like she is interested in other girls on a forum or message board, although she is straight in real life. The site is usually one that it is populated by mainly guys (such as sportbike forums), and it is done to be an attention whore.

"She acted like she wanted to meet up with the other girl, but when they met, she said she was actually just an E-lesbian, and had no real interest in girls"

See forum, lesbian, gay, bi, attention whore


A woman who has no interest or sexual thoughts of the female sex offline, but begins to show lesbian tactics online, such as looking up videos of soft lesbian porn and even masturbating to it.

"Hey, why is this lesbian porn website in your history? Don't you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm an e-lesbian."


See lesbian, straight, girl, e, online, offline, internet


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