What is Eli "unbelievable" Lieberman?


To be the steeziest guy in the entire world. Actually unbelievable. Makes the best burgers in town. Wakes up with at least 20 or more ladies in his bed a morning. Is a fantastic photographer. Never has a clean he-ba-roo (car). Often is found sleeping on a porch without blankets. Most commonly seen with a backwards hat and a certain amount of beard length. Eli also shreds the gnar, gnar, pow. pow.

"wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-wha-what?" - Eli

"Eli! UNBELIEVABLE! This guy!!!" - some northeastern guy

"I wake up every morning and i'm just excited that i'm the tightest guy ever." - Eli

"But seriously dude...can i become as cool as you?"- rob

"nah man, unless your name is Eli "Unbelievable" Lieberman.

See unbelievable, steeze, pimp nasty, fantastic


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