What is Emascc?
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A community based on IRC
© EMASCC. 2oo8 - W3 D0 IT 4 TEH LOLz
19:20 <@Syko-X> yeah i respect aaron and the decisions he makes and any request he asks of me
23:30 <Cookie`> whos linode zomghax?
23:31 <paranox> idiot look at the ident
23:31 <paranox> Cookie`: learn2internet
23:31 <Cookie`> yeah, an ident tell me everything?
23:31 <Cookie`> suck mroe dick
23:49 <rioter> KGO
23:49 <rioter> KGO
23:50 <paranox> KGO
23:50 <paranox> KGO
00:50 <masked> gs69azza fails
00:06 <wenchlett> <3
00:07 <mixy> S2
02:15 -Estate- Welcome to Estate's trivia channel for nerds. Trivia game is currently off. Please type /MSG Estate ? if you need help. Enjoy your stay! :-)
02:15 <Estate> UNO! gs69azza!aaron@
02:15 <Estate>
02:15 <Estate> UNO! v0.96.74.3 by Marky
02:15 <Estate> UNO! Join Now - You Have 30 Seconds
02:20 -ChanOp- *** #emascc Database Match: * Min: 0 Max: 200 ***
wily 100
timex 100
sovnix 100
anomaly 100
Ezz^ 198 gs69azza 199
Syko-X 200 |lippa| 198
crypt_k 198
Fury 198
Sinther 150
Duckie_ 198
damo2002 185
Cookie` 199
IdleFire 175 Jamieliveshere 198
Stephen-wx 100 RavensRage 198 Sinsect 150
Richard 198
02:20 -ChanOp- *** End of List ***