What is Embry-riddle Aeronautical University?
A university comprised of mainly male population
Embry-riddle Aeronautical University is a total sausage fest.
A school that focuses on Aviation with two campuses: one in
Both of these schools are really boring, but the Prescott campus is probably worse.
There are no girls at this school - its over 90% male. It's also full of a billion fucking
If you're thinking of of going to this school, you better be DAMN FUCKING SURE you want to because if you change your mind, you'll spend nearly 30 grand a year for nothing. So don't bitch out.
Oh and there's not much partying. Most of them suck. But if you're a
Despite the negatives its' a pretty good school. The weather is good and its a quiet atmosphere that allows you to study. If you're sure you can handle it and want to have a great job in aviation, this is the school you want.
Fuck! Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is fucking expensive as shit. Most of the girls are ugly too.
An aviation school where you pay twice is much to be only half as good. Numbers do not lie. Embry-Riddle students chose to ignore numbers though. This is due to the fact they do not have a well rounded university experience. They also have 90% male student body. This could contribute to their very high numbers of
Embry-Riddle recruiter: I see your interested in Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University .
High School Student: Yes I am but I'm wondering. Why does Embry-Riddle costs twice as much when all the numbers and statistics of succes point to The
University of North Dakota ?
Embry-Riddle Recruiter: Well that is because we are just simply better.
High School Student: Well thats weird because facts seem to point to that MSU Mankato is just as good as you. How embarassing!