Emir Town

What is Emir Town?


A word used for a ghedo area in a city where there is usually punks, graffiti, couches on fire, trash on fire, tempoarly a rock concert, people being mugged on the spot with no one caring, preferrabily with a dark sky. Dirty buildings, tanks, guns, no one caring, etc.

Four lost tourists visit emir town.

Tourist 1, "Woah, that guy just mugged an old lady, and she threw a grenade at him!"

Tourist 2, "That tank blew that guy's head off!!!"

Tourist 3, "That plane just bombed the mayor's house!!!"

Tourist 4, "Those LSD smoking kids just got blown away by a landmine!"

(A native comes along"

Native: "Yo!!! WAZZZZZZZZZZZZZUUUPPPP!!! WATCH OUT FOR THAT *hic* NU-*hic* KE!!! *hic* *hic*

(You know the rest)

See Miles "Tails" Prower


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