What is Emmit?
The most selfish, brain-washing asshole you will ever meet. Only cares about himself, his money, and the needs of his dick.
Imagine you go out to dinner. Emmit pretends he forgets his wallet so he doesn't have to spend his money on his own dinner - or God forbid - someone else's. Then he somehow gets into your head enough to make you suck his dick for a couple hours... then he sends you home for some reason wanting more.
A Very Small, Strange Child
Wow 3 ears and only 5 pounds... what an emmit
named after Emmitt Kelly-the sad clown. When someone does something so nice for you or for another, that it makes you kind of wanna throw up.
person 1: "Oh my god, my blind grandma sewed me a sweater in my college colors and called to ask if I wore it to the homecoming game."
person 2: "oh wow, what an emmitt".