Emo Game

What is Emo Game?


a game with a bunch of emo band members that go on adventures to kill steven tyler and enrique iglasias and friends.

if you play the george bush one, you actually can learn a lot too.

i wasted a weekend of my life on the emo game =]

See emo, scene, games, music, internet


A hilarious game and fun too. They have liike all the best bands out now in it.

I beat emo game last night and now i will never watch friends or enrique iglesias EVER again.


When someone scratches the top of your hand and say's the alphabet , until Z and then at the end whoever has the biggest scar win's

(Said while Suzie is scratching Stephi's hand)





Stephanie and Suzie are over there playing the emo game , let's go join them !

See emo game, emo, fun, gosh


A kick ass website/game.

I killed puddle of mud AND Fred durst on emo game.


To self-mutilate oneself, much like the whiny singers/fans of this genre of music do to get attention.

Everyone hates me. Looks like it's time to turn on My Chemical Romance, cry, and play the emo game with a box of razor blades.


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