Emo Poser

What is Emo Poser?


Ok to start off emo posers are really annoying they claim they are emo but when situations change so does there persona.

1. They have the "image" of an emo (the hair, tight pants, keys clipped onto their belt loop, "a must have emo band shirt to signify there emoness")

2. The are not really emotional its an act to get some dipshit girl to like them. i.e. they cant write poems or play guitar (when they try they turn the distortion up to 10 and cant even finish a fucking guitar riff) sometimes they will even try to sing! *person shoots themselves with gun*

3. The biggest thing is there "adaptabiltiy" heres a perfect example... i was at this rap/emo band concert a couple weeks back. the first act was this horrendous rap group sure enough all the wannabe emos are trying to dance really fast like a black guy "you know all the usher shit" and trying to show off for their girls i was about to slap one of them because the fakeness was getting to me...., but heres the clincher when the emo band comes on there all back to crying NOT there moshing? yeah since when do emos mosh whatever happened to sit and cry in the corner because i ran out of tampons? hmm im not sure

4 actually heres the best part once the shows over there all quiet and sad and regular emo whats that all about?

ugh the mysterious mind of a person wanting to fit in...

POSERS! stay away from these people

Emo Poser: Rock On Dude!

Emo: I thought you were emo

Emo Poser: oh yeah sorry *sob* my gf left me because i whined to much

Emo: No i think she realized that your totally fake

Emo Poser: This Is Real! Look at my tears!

Emo: Why are you putting eyedrops in?

Emo Poser: SHUTUP!

See poser emo, fake emo, faggot


Someone who claims to be emo. Dresses emo and tries to act emo. They tell everyone how sad they are all the time. And really their life is going perfectly fine. They cry constantly and claim to be depressed. Most of them cut and always show people. They go up to people and would be like "omg look what i did last night" then they would start crying and would want the other person to confide in them.

Emo Poser: Oh my god my life sucks. *cries and shows friend wrist* look what i did!

Emo: Why do you always show everyone?

Emo Poser: I do not!

Emo: Yea you do, you even showed people you hate.

Emo Poser: I thought you were my friend!

Emo: I'm not friends with posers!

See emo, poser, emo girl, emo boy, punk, preppy, cutters


A person who tries to fit in with the emo label just for attention or popularity (which doesn't make sense because emo people aren't supposed to be popular)

Anyway, here are some ways to spot an emo poser:

1. Act depressed 24/7, even when nothing is wrong in their lives

2. Cut themselves purposefully... and then show it to everyone

3. Must always adopt the complete emo look: dark dyed hair with sidebangs, very tight pants, an emo band t-shirt (like Hawthorne Heights) at least 3 items from Hot Topic, and of course, eyeliner

4. Has a rich family

5. Music lists ALWAYS include the following bands: My Chemical Romance, Hawthorne Heights, The Used, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, AFI, and more

6. Throws emo song lyrics around on their myspace/ xanga/ livejournal/etc., usually as their display name

7. On the above-mentioned sites, include pictures of themselves with the typical myspace angle(weird camera aim which barely allows for the viewer to see the person except for their hair, or at least one of their eyes)

8. Only talk to people who look just like themselves (and may get rejected if they see how much of a poser he/she is)

9. Are anorexic or have some other mental disorder, usually involving their self-image (because all emo posers think they're ugly)

10. Complain about their "hard lives" all the time

In short, emo posers are the reason that everyone hates emos. They're the ones who act like this, so people think that all emos do it too. In reality, true emo people act like themselves, and the only way that they are all alike is that they tend to have a primarily emotional personality. That's it. It has nothing to do with being depressed or mental disorders, or listening to all the same bands, unless you have a good reason for being depressed, did not force the mental disorder on yourself, or listen to the bands because you actually like them.

Though, in reality, I personally do not like most of the bands. They're not in my taste. I'm not gonna insult them though. Only the people who listen to them just because everyone else does, AKA the posers.

Emo poser: omg I'm SOOO depressed, becuz liek look at my ristz their soo bloody huh?!1

Emo: What the hell? You obviously did that on purpose.

Emo poser: Nono no wai I did not! I liek totally got sad and My Cemikul Romanze is mah fave band EVUR!! All mah otha frendz lizzen to them!

Emo: ... Ok, you know what? How about you just keep cutting? It'll be the solution to not only your problem but to ours too. Our reputation will finally be saved!

Emo poser: Oo yea! Good idea! Now Im gunna go take my super-expensiv nife and cut mah ristz while lizzenin to Hawforn Haytz!

Emo: Yea. Hurry up. You need to bleed more. Or, how about you let ME do it for you?

See emo, poser, my chemical romance, hawthorne heights, hot topic


A retarded fag who pretends they're emo, searches/googles for emo bands on the net and downloads their songs and study their lyrics like mad and tell other people that the lyrics somehow "relate" to them, made up stupid sad sappy stories about their so-called love life (which actually doesn't even exist as they've never even had a bf/gf), tends to over exaggerate their problems, cuts his/her wrist JUST CAUSE every other emo kid does that, tells everybody; "Oh my god, I think I'm emo, I hate my life, everyone sucks, life is so sad, love sucks! *cuts wrist*"

<Emo poser>: Dude, I think I'm emo. Look at what I did to my wrist. Uurgh, I don't even know why I did it, I hate myself, everybody hates me. *sobs*

<Not emo poser>: Mmmkaaayy......

<Emo poser>: Some people even said that I look emo with these glasses. *shows the "emo-looking" glasses and smiles*

<Not emo poser>: Uhh...ok...whatever you say. *rolls eyes*

See emo, emo poser, emo posers, poser, posers


actually spelt emo posuer

someone who trys to fit into the emo stereotype because its the new thing

they think their life sucks and cut their wrists for attention

listen to music such as taking back sunday, fallout boy, hawthorne heights and of course panic!at the disco and simple plan which they think are emo

generally girls ages 11-14 who have a myspace and write blogs about what happened the other day when someone called them names and pretend their life is horrible

they are a disgrace to emo and have no idea what real emois

emo posers need to stop cutting their wrists and get a life thats not what emo is about

See emo, poser, poseur, fake


1People who claim they are emo, but really have no problems.

2 Horny bastards that think they can get a chick by acting emo

3 the idiots you see at an emo show jumping up and down ( we dont jump retard)

4 A person who looks up emo on the internet and studies there culture and says that they know emo band members.

5 last and least people who want to be emo so bad that you can tell thats not the (Natasha!)

this is what and emo poser sounds like...

<emoposer> I hate my life im soo emo i might cut

<real emo> uh ok r u going to the concert tonight?

<emo poser> idk i might be to busy cuttng. I might go though, beacause i LOVE to have fun!

<real emo> fun.....

<emo Poser> ya my football jock boyfriend might come with me!

<real emo> get fucked you stupid bitch.

See emo, posers, pussy, wannabe, looser


An emo poser is a fag who is trying to fit in with the 'emo style/label' thinking it is cool or whatever.

1. Purposely cut them selves over nothing or a small imaginary break up.

2. Download loud screamomusic (even though they don’t know what they’re saying), google up the lyrics and relate it to their imaginary problem.

3. Attention seeker – shows everyone that they cut themselves.

4. Usually at the back of a gig looking depressed.

5. Cut themselves to look cool and to fit in because they have no other reason to

6. Hide away from everyone and make people worried when there is really nothing wrong

7. Have a stupid side fringe to purposely cover up their eyes of face

8. Hate the music they are listening to fit in with ‘the crowd’

Hence: These people usually have no life and sit around and sulk for no reason. They make up shit on the spot to get ATTENTION (Attention seeker), post luvo pictures of themselves at a weird angle with their hair in their face, uses a shit load of eyeliner to make them looked deprived of sleep, listen to screamo and have no idea what they’re saying but literally hate the stuff, pretending to cut themselves showing a ‘real knife’ with fake dye on it. Not to mention they draw in black pen and make little drawings of things that relate to death and stick them up places.

Stay AWAY from these people!

Emo Poser: Ugh i so hate my life and my girlfriend just dumped me for nothing.

Kid: MMkk...

Emo Poser: OMG i'm so depressed look what i did on the weekend - i actually cut myself, i'm going to commit suicide

Kid: Arn't those red lines that you used in english with a ruler?

Emo Poser: NO! I swear they're real

Kid: I'll just get a knife for you then

Emo Poser: *Run Away*

See emo, poser, loser, fake, faggot


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