
What is Emoerty?


amazing pomes

writen by jeff hardy like this one writen abput his wrestling life and girlfreind life mixed and how he wonders if she isses him as hes flying from town to town doing wwe shows

Empty Tank

Here I am again...tired from not sleeping...Sad from not loving.

I feel miserable again...here on this plane...Here on this earth.

I've done it again...I stayed out all night.

I feel it again...I dred this flight.


Because I'm sick...Sick of being owned...

I write because I'm sick...Sick of being known.

If I was normal...Would she like me the same?

If I was just a stock boy...Would she still enjoy my name?

I'd like to think she does and would...I believe in her and believe in me she should.

I'm gonna lean my head against this window...Close my eyes and go to sleep.

I'll wake up in the next town...With thoughts beyond deep.

The days will go by as I will just act.

As the days go by I can only look back...At the good times...the fun.

At the bad times...the fun.

I wonder if she misses me as much as I miss her...I wonder if she waits to see me...I wonder if she waits?

I'd like to think she did and would...I believe in her and believe in me she should.

My heart is so curious...My mind is so blank...Without you I'm lost...

I am an empty tank.

-emoerty by jeff hardy

See wwe, emo, poetry, amazing


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