
What is Emotastic?


In relation to being emo in great amount; used when something is fanTASTICly emo.

That song is Emotastic!

See Jessica


being typically or extremly emo or emo like.

'her hair style is emotastic'

'she was crying emotasticly'

See emo, low trou


Something that is so completely filled with being emo, you have to comment on it.

Did you see the pictures on that guys myspace?

Oh, yeah. They're so emotastic.

See emo, emolicious, emo kid, emu


something/someone that is fantastic, in an emo way!

emo + fantastic = emotastic!! hahah get it?.... tehe.

"Wowzer. That photo is seriously emotastic."

"You put too many definitions on slangdefine that relate to Emo. That makes you lame." "No, it makes me emotastic"

See i, don't, got, no, tags


Something a person in love with an emo or was an emo would say. A real emo would not say this O:

A synonym for Adam lambert, along with the words sexyemoawesomeamazingadorablebangworthygay and cute

Perez Hilton: how are you!!!

Me: I'm emotastic!!! :

See adam, lambert, cute, awesome, scene


some thing that is Emo and great !

Your hair is Emotastic

See emo, emotastic, hair, tastic, great


When something is even gayer than homotastic it's emotastic!

Oh my goth that emo band is emotastic!


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