
What is Empathy?


1. The ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties.

2. The transfer of somebody's own feelings and emotions to an object such as a painting.


1. Just someone who is very understanding or an empath.

2. Someone who puts his feelings in art.

See empathy, empath, feelings, emotion, feeling, emotions


Seeing things from another persons perspective, and putting oneself into thier position.

He could empathise with his friends loss.

See Austin


another term for the total mind and body enhancement know to most as MDMA or ecstasy.

i can feel the empathy, its good, clean.

See ecstasy, x, ebomb, rolls, roll, adam, eve


Pretending to care about someone else's problems so they will like and/or trust you. Sympathywithout commitment. A politically correct conversational side-step.

Well Bob, I imagine being blind makes seeing difficult for you. If I were blind it would be difficult for me too.


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