
What is Emu?


a leet ass bird renowned for stalking japanese tourists in the australian highlands.

Also well known for bitch smacking those emu-wannabe ostriches and amercan tourists that think all australians wrestle crocodiles and have a pet kangaroo.

american tourist1:'hahaha, lok at these primitive australian folk with their pet kangaroos and boomerangs. hahaha.'

emu:'fuckin bigidy bam!'

at1:' holy shit that damn walking bird just bitch smacked my ass!'

See **


Emus...The coolest bird in the world

THe animals that are destined to take over the world someday.


I saw an Emu at the zoo

It was planning it's attack on humanity

See Rygar


One of the best nicknames you can call an emo kid.

You: "god, what's your problem emu kid?"

Emo: "It's called emo! Nobody understands! *cry*"


a badass ostrich

That emu ruffles my feathers.

See The One and Only Bad Ass Ostrich


1. A large flightless bird that once kicked my arse. True story, happened at Alma Park Zoo in Brisbane, Australia. Very fucking nasty claws.

Me: "When i was 7 i got my arse handed to me by a 6 foot tall bird called an emu"

Random: "Thats awesome"

Me "What the hell is wrong with you, thats a pretty big bird attacking a pretty small person"

(awkward silence)

See bird, ostrich, brisbane


A flightless bird belonging to a bird group called 'Ratites.' It is second tallest (next to the ostrich.) And is native to Australia.

I went to the zoo and saw an emu.


A slang for "emo". Meaning: A rather "large" emo kid that sat on the "O" and broke it...then procided to cry about it.

Emu kid: Oh god, my life is horrible and I'm so fat. I think I'll listen to Hawthorn Heights and cut myself in a corner. I should just stop eating and starve myself. *stuffs doughnut in mouth while crying*

See emo, emu, fat, cry


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