
What is Endicrap?


This word was invented by a Smag-Baggley or a beef trumpit man. It is used to offend the unoffendable. If you use this word more than once in front of a Tall Man he will go Super Tall Man Saiyan 15. He will take you into a hubba bubba nightmare and freaking freak out. He will then do the bird walk and your face will implode into your rectum. Knowing what just happened all of your muscles will lock up and your bowels will violently release. You will drown in yesterdays lunch.

Victim: Hahahah...Endicrap!!!

Tall Man: ..........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Victim: Oooo no!!! The bird walk!!! Ahhhhhhh My Butt Hole!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

See crap, butt, 300, house, endicott, clinton, crazy


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